Friday, August 19, 2011

Week #6-In The Books!!!

Howzit from Washington Dormitory #415.  The week started off with anticipation of the 4.2 mile challenge Munchkin Run on Wednesday.  That would have to wait for now.  There was a dinner for Session 246 at the Officer's Club given by IACP and it was a suit and tie affair.  After classes, we all went there, some imbibed, others waited for the dinner, others were recuperating from the Philly trip.  (Thanks George and Robert)  Nice time at the dinner and we all headed back to the dorms.

People were still talking about the impending Munchkin Run....ooooh the anticipation!!!  Tuesday came and went and then it was WEDNESDAY Morning....4.2 miles...nothing but a thing or so it was said.  The weather was ideal for the trail run and as soon as it started, well...maybe about 20 minutes or so later, some were finishing the run.  Good Job.  The trek took us into scenic areas, well at least I thought they were scenic.  There were probably others who were saying...What the hell!!!  Anyway, we all made it back to the base intact and although a little sore, glad that the run was completed.

They told us from the beginning....beware of the NA Virus.  No it wasn't a computer was the bug that normally rears its ugly head when you least expect it.  My roomie Jeff got it, probably from the joint lavs that we share with our fellow NA students, who were heard hacking and coughing a few days prior.  YES...this guy from Hawaii caught the NA virus and it put a halt to swimming for now.  I am stuck at 32 miles.  Hoped to complete it this week, but the body told me to take a rest, which I am.

We had a steak dinner provided by the 5.11 company and the steaks were great!!!  Even had a second helping.  Anyone and everyone here is attired in their gear and this was a chance for them to show some Aloha.  There were prizes given away, including this tactical flashlight.  Four were to be raffled off and the kid from Hawaii was the last recipient.  Some of the students have told me that this light is issued to their officers.  Can't wait to test it out.  Thanks 5.11!!!

The weekend is now upon us and I think our gang is headed to a crab shack for some all you can eat crab.  Will keep you posted on that.  Until next time, be safe and Aloha for now.

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